New Video Showcasing the KDE Direct Propeller Blade Series and Core Design Methodology

Welcome to the eleventh (11th) episode of the KDE Direct Design Engineering videos. This video is highly-detailed and goes through the Propeller Blade Series and the Engineering logic behind the design and production methodology for Multi-Rotor applications. Also included is a short introduction to the performance of the Electronic Speed Controller technology (UAS and UASHVC series) and more details can be viewed in the KDE Direct Design Engineering - Episode XII: UAS HVC Electronic Speed Controllers (New Generation).

The video starts with a presentation by Patrick Koegler, Owner and Chief Engineer, for KDE Direct. Based in the United States, KDE Direct designs in-house and produces high-quality, high-performance components for multi-rotor and UAS applications; primarily focused into the commercial and industrial segments. With facilities in Oregon and Washington State, as well as International manufacturing, KDE Direct provides complete solutions for the market and OEM customers worldwide.

Enjoy the presentation and please feel free to see the full-line of UAS products at:

Including the release of the KDE Direct Propeller Blade Series and Propeller Blade Adapters:

All products available at

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